Patch Update 21.0.12

Howdy Folks!

Patch Update 21.0.12 brings more game fixes and and some performance tweaks. A huge thank from me to you for playing Mercury Fallen and the amazing support.

Unless there are critical issues reported, I’ll be returning focus to the next content update. More information on what’s in development will be coming soon.

Aside from leaving a review on Steam, be sure to check out the latest gameplay survey and let me know what you think.

Gameplay Feedback Survey

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Release Notes

  • Minor performance improvement when items are delivered to facility
  • Minor performance improvement related to hud inventory
  • Fixed: Mining platform inventories showing in item count totals in hud inventory. HUD inventory should only show what is available in the facility.
  • Fixed: Colonist management screen continues being updated in background when not open
  • Fixed: Cloned colonists getting incorrect age
  • Fixed: Incorrect age given to found and activated robots
  • Fixed: Load crash if two surface structures exist on the same tile
  • Fixed: Convert To Mining Platform and Convert to Radar Tower actions can no longer be triggered if there is another structure on the vehicles current tile.

Howdy Folks!

More rapid fire patch updates coming your way. This patch update addresses some issues added in yesterdays patch as well as some additional tweaks and fixes. Thanks everyone for your great feedback and support.

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Release Notes

  • Reduced machine durability drain from craft action
  • Minor change to the look of some progress meters so that they show empty when at 0%
  • Machine Durability now shows percent on progress meter
  • Fixed: Colonists stop repairing machines in some instances
  • Fixed: Missing damage texture on cook station
  • Fixed: Craft queue item text wraps to second line in some instances
  • Fixed: Missing technician craft action description
  • Fixed: Soft lock when colonist does not generate a valid action plan

Howdy Folks!

Hope everyone had a great weekend. As I recently posted on the Steam forum there was a big issue related to colonists not hauling to construction projects. I discovered an issue with how item reservation was being handled or, to be more exact, not being handled correctly.

In addition to fixing the construction issue there are some new performance tweaks. These performance improvements should be most noticeable in the later part of the game when you have several more colonists running around.

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Release Notes

  • Performance increase when colonists are checking surrounding cells
  • Performance increase when colonists are checking for available craft stations
  • Fixed: Colonists not clearing reserved items for pickup if they become unavailable. This caused colonists to think items had been delivered that were not. Most noticeably this caused colonists to stop hauling items to construction projects.
  • Fixed: Memory issue related to colonist action planning
  • Fixed: Missing damage/death audio for deep driller bot

Howdy Folks!

Thanks for playing Mercury Fallen and for all the feedback and support. This update has a couple of fixes as well as an update to Storage Containers.

Storage Containers

While not much has changed to the vertical storage crate, the wide storage crate now only stores raw materials, but it’s capacity has been increased to 4000 items. The model, build requirements, name and description have been updated to reflect its new capacity.


If you’ve had a chance to check out the game since Update 21, and have a few minutes, be sure to check out the feedback survey.

Feedback Survey

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Release Notes

  • Storage Crate (V) renamed to Storage Container
  • Storage Crate renamed to Raw Storage Container.
  • Update model and build requirements of Raw Storage Container.
  • Raw Storage Container can only store raw materials, but stores up to 4000 items.
  • Container storage amount now shows in build menu info
  • Updated look of build menu info
  • Power/Water consumption now shows at bottom of object info panel. Power/Water sections still show in info panel, but this will be removed later.
  • Fixed: Colonists not hauling to construction if primary target is missing materials and second target is too far away
  • Fixed: Colonists saving/loading incorrect instance id values. This can cause two colonists to use the same instance id and be treated as the same colonist.

Howdy Folks!

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Here are more tweaks and fixes for your Mercury Fallen experience. Thank you everyone for playing and supporting Mercury Fallen.

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Release Notes

  • Vehicle Bay now states what job role is required for material deliver
  • Robot Assembler now states what job role is required for material deliver
  • Crop growers now state what job role is required if waiting for crops to be planted/added
  • Fertilizer now shows in crop field/aeroponics farm fertilizer list if unlocked in research without having any available
  • Crop Field/aeroponics farm will now show a warning if fertilizer has been set, but none of that fertilizer is available.
  • Items in craft queue now have a job role icon next to output item
  • Updated look of colonist hair
  • Fixed: Aeroponics Farm requiring fertilizer item even if none was set
  • Fixed: Colonists not bringing plant nutrient to crop field/aeroponics farm
  • Fixed: Incorrect stance in colonist portrait picture

Howdy Folks!

Another day and another patch update available on steam. Patch update 21.0.6 addresses issues related to how colonists collect and deliver items. It also minimizes instances of colonists not aborting jobs to go do important things like not starving to death.

Release Notes

  • Added additional checks to help ensure colonists abort work actions to fulfill critical needs such as eating.
  • Colonists will now find closest table to eat at
  • Colonists will now drop any items they are carrying on the floor when going to sleep
  • Removed some debug code that caused a slow down during game load in some instances
  • Added simple construction queue list to debug menu which shows top 5 objects in queue. Construction queue management coming in future update.
  • Fixed: Colonists not finding a valid eating table to sit at in some instances
  • Fixed: Colonist going to collect items from containers that don’t contain the items they need to pickup if items are spread over several different containers
  • Fixed: Colonists not collecting available items to bring to construction in some instances
  • Fixed: Highest priority construction project not highlighted in green after loading a saved game

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Thank you all for playing Mercury Fallen and for the great feedback. I’ve been listening to that feedback and here are some more tweaks and fixes.

Construction Queue

Update 21 added a change to strictly adhere to the construction queue priority order. While this ensured that materials were used for the intended construction projects it meant that construction was halted until all required items were available. In this update I’ve made a few changes to how colonists deliver materials to construction projects.

Colonists will now bring any available materials to a construction project including partial amounts. They will also deliver available items to lower priority construction projects if the higher priority target already has what it needs of that required item.


  • Highest priority build target is a bed. Colonists have plenty of structure resin, but no cloth.
  • Colonists will deliver the required structure resin to the bed.
  • Colonists will now deliver available structure resin to other build targets that need it, based on the priority order.
  • When cloth becomes available colonists will deliver it to the bed. Once the bed has all required items it will be constructed.

This is the first step towards a better construction queue system. More player control will be added in a future update.

Check out the release notes below for all the tweaks and fixes added in this update.

Release Notes

  • Improved vehicle auto exploration action to reduce instances of vehicle becoming stuck
  • Resource Transport vehicle no longer drops off all items immediately, but now deposits one item at a time until empty the same way it picks up resources
  • Colonists will deliver any available items to construction projects instead of waiting for all items to be available. This includes partial amounts of required items.
  • Colonists will deliver items to lower priority construction projects if higher priority construction project has all of that required item.
  • Improvements to pathfinding performance
  • Improved look of items in inventory and build interface sections
  • Paused items in craft queue now more obvious
  • Fixed: Resource transport vehicles not collecting resources from mining platform in some instances
  • Fixed: Resource transport vehicle wiggling in place if closest pickup and drop off tiles are the same tile
  • Fixed: Vehicle Bay not receiving all construction materials in some instances
  • Fixed: HUD inventory quantities not updating correctly when items are deposited into the receiving container inventory
  • Fixed: Able to place objects on top of areas marked for deep mining

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Thank you all for playing Mercury Fallen and for the great feedback. Another batch of changes and fixes are now available on Steam.

Release Notes

  • When wandering aimlessly colonists will now attempt to head back towards the facility if not standing on floor tiles
  • Planet map display mode options no longer require map table equipment item
  • Reduced bloom effect on planet map
  • Fixed: Haul to storage action taking too long to calculate if there are a lot of items on the floor. This caused colonists with the haul role to sometimes get stuck in an idle loop.
  • Fixed: Scannable area for poi generation not being updated when removing radar towers
  • Fixed: Transport vehicles unassigned from mining platforms after loading save game
  • Fixed: Possible save game load crash related to equipment items

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Howdy Folks!

Thanks for playing Mercury Fallen and for all the great feedback and bug reports. This is a small patch to address some issues with expeditions.

If you have a couple of minutes be sure to check out the latest gameplay feedback survey and let me know what you think of Update 21.

Feedback Survey:

Release Notes

  • Fixed: Expedition vehicles removed when docked
  • Fixed: Expedition list on planet map causing severe lag after creating and/or removing several expeditions
  • Fixed: Unhandled error if expedition is cancelled before materials are delivered

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Thank you to everyone playing Mercury Fallen and a big thank you for all the feedback. Patch update 21.0.2 is now available on Steam.

Release Notes

  • Colonists will now abort current action on a machine if another colonist is coming to repair the machine. This should reduce instances of machines breaking down completely.
  • Reduced the distance colonists will wander aimlessly
  • Craft queue item now has a red background when paused
  • Research Items that can’t be researched due to missing discoveries now have a tooltip
  • Fixed: Some stats showing above 100% in colonist management side info
  • Fixed: Selection collider on plant pot
  • Fixed: Vehicle Bay returning build materials when deconstructed even if no materials have been delivered
  • Fixed: Equipment Item removal confirmation shown when removing equipment item that hasn’t been installed yet

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