Patch Update 1.19

Howdy Folks! A huge thank you for all of the feedback and reports on the experimental branch. Update 1.19 fixes up several issues, including a nasty crash bug that was introduced in 1.18. Additions A couple of minor additions are also included such as a quit to desktop option from the in-game menu and a […]

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Patch Update 1.19 On Experimental Branch

Howdy Folks! Patch Update 1.19 is now on the experimental branch on Steam and aims to resolve game crashes that can occur during auto saves and extended play periods. If you’re experiencing poor performance or the game crashing after playing for a couple of hours, please give this experimental branch a try and let me […]

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Patch Update 1.18

Howdy Folks! Patch Update 1.18 is now available. This update fixes various issues including a game breaking bug where you could deconstruct something critical to progressing in the main mission. Thank you for the great feedback on the experimental branch. There are still some issues that are being looked into, but I wanted to get […]

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Patch 1.18 Experimental

Howdy Folks! I recently released Patch 1.18 and, unfortunately, had to roll back to update 1.17 due to various reported issues. After making some extensive code changes I’m re-releasing Patch Update 1.18 on to the experimental branch on Steam for testing. This update includes what was previously included as well as some new fixes and […]

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Patch Update 1.18

Howdy Folks! Thanks for all the great feedback and support! Patch Update 1.18 addresses a few reported issues. Be sure to check out the release notes below for a list of fixes. As I’ve mentioned previously, I have been working on a new video game project. I’ve made a good bit of progress, but have […]

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Patch 1.17

Howdy Folks! Patch 1.17 is a small patch to address some reported issues. Keep all that feedback coming! It’s great to hear what you like and what you don’t. Wiki I’ve been working to get a wiki up and running for some time, but I’m often extended in different directions. @darkfoxprime has been a major […]

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Patch 1.09 Now Available!

Howdy Folks! Hope everyone is doing well and having a great time out there in the wilds of the world. I’m happy to announce a new patch for Mercury Fallen that fixes up some issues and adds few helpful quality of life improvements. Robot Craft Queue You can now queue up to 3 robots to […]

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Patch 1.01 Now Available

Howdy Folks! The Mercury Fallen launch has been great! Thank you to everyone who showed up at the release live stream event. The feedback has been amazing and it’s great to see so many people enjoying my game. I just wanted to push out a small patch update to resolve a couple of reported issues. […]

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Mercury Fallen 1.0 Now Available!

Howdy Folks! I’m super excited to announce that Mercury Fallen is no longer in Early Access and the 1.0 version is now available. It’s been a long road as a solo developer, but I couldn’t have done it without the amazing feedback and support from all of you. A huge thank you to all the […]

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3 Weeks Until 1.0!

Howdy Folks! Time is ticking by fast and there are just three weeks until the 1.0 release of Mercury Fallen. It’s been a wild ride getting to this point and I couldn’t have made it here without the amazing support and feedback from all of you. Mercury Fallen will be releasing out of early access […]

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