Howdy Folks!
Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe out there. Update 27 :: Spatial Awareness brings some new meaning to room creation. While it’s not 100% done, it is ready for some testing and feedback.
Update 27 is now available on the Experimental Branch. More changes and additions are coming and the experimental branch will continue to get updated with these new changes.
Update 27 Experimental Info
What is the Experimental Branch and how do I access it?
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Howdy Folks!
Hope everyone is doing well. I was off last week on a mini vacation. I’m back now and development continues. In the previous developer log I showed how room zones would work. I’ve made some changes to how rooms are generated that I wanted to cover.
Previously I had mentioned that rooms would need to be defined using a new zone system. The zone system was originally designed for some other features I’m working on and it felt like a good fit for rooms as well. I was wrong.
After some internal testing it felt clumsy and redundant to have to define a room in addition to placing walls and doors.
Rooms will now be automatically created as you place walls/doors. A room won’t be considered “valid” if it doesn’t have flooring. The room type is determined by the larger quantity of flooring. Mostly bedroom floor? Then it’s a bedroom.
Selecting the flooring inside a room area will show the room information which includes over all decor level, light level and efficiency. These attributes will affect colonists behavior and production in various ways.
Room benefits are still being developed and tested internally, but I hope to have a version on the experimental branch later this week for initial testing and feedback.
Thanks for all the great feedback via the Update 26 Feedback Survey. If you have a couple of minutes and haven’t already taken the survey, then be sure to check it out.
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