Patch Update 30.4

Howdy Folks!

Patch update 30.4 addresses a few more reported issues and adds a couple of quality of life changes.

Bed Assignment

When assigning colonists to a bed, a check mark will appear next to colonists that already have a bed assigned.

Planet Minimap

Vehicles will now appear on the planet side minimap. Vehicles on the minimap are colored differently depending on their type. This was technically a bug, but I’ll count it as a new feature.

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Release Notes


  • Bed assignment list now shows colonist portraits instead of colonist gender icon.
  • Bed assignment list now shows a checkmark icon next to a colonist if they already have a bed assigned.
  • Updated the text quality of the vehicle info in the vehicle list.


  • Fixed: Vehicle action description hidden behind upgrade buttons in vehicle list if text is more than one line.
  • Fixed: Colonists not appearing on minimap when spawned from capsule or generated from cloning.
  • Fixed: Robots not appearing on minimap when activated or created.
  • Fixed: Vehicles not appearing on planet minimap.
  • Fixed: Crop disease not removed when a colonist harvests an infected crop.

Howdy Folks!

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Patch update 30.3 addresses a few more reported issues and adds a few tweaks.

Thanks for all the great feedback and reports. Check out the release notes below for all the changes and fixes.

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Release Notes


  • Holding shift while using keyboard camera rotation will snap the camera to 90 degree increments
  • Colonists will now target the closest crop location to plant first
  • Colonists will no longer perform any work duties during recreation hours. This was changed to resolve some priority issues with none work related actions.


  • Fixed: Vehicle bay not constructing in some instances
  • Fixed: Colonists damaging objects that aren’t constructed yet during high stress reaction
  • Fixed: Colonist stuck in pick up and drop off loop if unable to generate a path to a crop field or aeroponics farm
  • Fixed: Memory transfer station not saving/loading assigned colonist data.
  • Fixed: Colonists continue to use memory transfer station after training schedule period has ended
  • Fixed: Colonists not prioritizing using the memory transfer station over other training activities.
  • Fixed: Colonists not dropping held items before going to a attribute training or memory transfer station

Howdy Folks!

Another day and another patch update. Patch Update 30.2 addresses a reported issue with sleeping actions as well as a rebalance of hunger and sleep action thresholds during relevant activity hours.

Thanks for the feedback and reports!

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Release Notes

  • Sleep on floor action now based on fatigue refill rate instead of raw time. Sleeping on the floor will take longer than sleeping in a bed.
  • Eating actions should now perform if hunger is above 25% during recreation activity hours
  • Sleeping actions should now perform if fatigue is above 25% during sleep activity hours
  • Sleeping actions should now perform if fatigue is above 70% during recreation activity hours
  • Eating and sleeping actions should now perform if relevant need is above 70% during free time activity hours
  • Eating actions should now perform if hunger is above 95% during work, training and sleep activity hours
  • Sleeping actions should now perform if fatigue is above 95% during work and training hours.
  • Fixed: Colonists not performing sleep action(s) during free time activity hours
  • Fixed: Some actions missing proper name/description

Howdy Folks!

An issue was reported regarding save games created in the previous update not loading in Update 30. This tiny patch should resolve this issue. Certainly let me know if there are any other issues.

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Release Notes

  • Fixed: Save games from previous version not loading correctly in some instances.

Howdy Folks!

Update 30 :: Training is now available for everyone! A huge thanks for the feedback and bug reports during the testing phases. This update adds new equipment to train colonist attributes as well as a new station for training job role experience from one colonist to another. There are also many additional tweaks, changes and fixes.

Training Attributes

Colonists can now train muscles and athletics in the added gym room. Smarts can be trained at the reading station which is a new addition to the recreation room.

The memory transfer station allows you to copy job experience from one colonist to another. Training activities, for attributes and job roles, will only occur during training hours which can be configured in the new schedules interface.


Gain more control over colonist activities throughout the day with the new scheduling system. Schedules can be created and managed in the new schedules management screen.

Recreation and sleeping hours decrease the colonists’ “needs action” threshold. This means colonists will be more likely to eat and or sleep during these activity hours. Colonists will still sleep/eat during other hours, but only if the need becomes critical.

Actions related to training will only be performed during training hours. Free time hours allow colonists to perform as if there is no schedule. They will eat, sleep, work etc. as they would previously without a schedule.

Tech Tree Update

Technology research projects now show more information at a glance including research cost and item unlocks. I’ve also made some small changes to research order as well as research costs.

Be sure to check out the release notes below for the full list of changes and fixes. Thank you all for the amazing support and feedback.

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Release Notes


  • Added the gym room
  • Added physical training research
  • Added treadmill for training athletics
  • Added punching bag for training muscles
  • Added Brain Training research
  • Added Reading Station
  • Added Memory transfer research
  • Added Memory Transfer Station for training colonist jobs
  • Added Training guide topic
  • Added new surface POI for memory transfer blueprint

Colonist Schedules

  • Added colonist schedules to colonist section of management interface
  • Colonists will now only perform certain actions as determined by their schedule
  • New colonists automatically assigned to default schedule
  • Added Schedules guide section


  • Colonists now gain a negative stress effect when over 75% fatigued
  • Updated icon of colonist section button in management interface
  • Updated look of research tech tree
  • Updated look of listed colonists in rosters
  • Update look of assigned colonist list item in bed assignment interface
  • Lowered research cost of Power Storage research
  • Minor change to early research project order
  • Added new opening splash screens
  • Added splash screen when returning to main menu
  • Updated look of discovery and guide section list items
  • Discovery and guide section list items will now stay highlighted when selected


  • Fixed: Hover icon for reachable construction not updating correctly if colonists are on expeditions in some instances
  • Fixed: Input key still triggering if typing inside of a text input field
  • Fixed: Colonist not removed from roster if dead
  • Fixed: Colonist not removed from assigned bed if dead
  • Fixed: Attributes showing incorrect tooltip type in colonist info panel
  • Fixed: Some colonist attributes showing a change rate in tooltip info even when there wasn’t one.
  • Fixed: Some data, importantly colonists, not getting correct instance id values after loading game. This caused a conflict with colonist assignments such as rosters and beds.
  • Fixed: Missing punctuation characters for chinese font
  • Fixed: Chinese font not appearing in drop downs
  • Fixed: Receiving notification of new surface resource deposit for a deposit that was already found in some instances

Howdy Folks!

The Training update is now available on the Test Build branch. A huge thanks for all the feedback on the Training update while it was on the experimental branch. This new update is now ready for the final round of testing.

Update 30 :: Training Test Build Info

About Test Build Branch

The optional Test Build branch is for testing the latest features before they go live to everyone. As it is a testing version there can be more bugs/issues than in the normal version. If using the Test Build branch, please report any issues you encounter or any feedback on new game play mechanics. Your feedback and/or reports will help to ensure the final version is the best it can be.

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