Patch Update 33.7

Howdy Folks!

I’m back from vacation and feeling a whole lot better. Thanks for all the support and feedback. I hit the ground running yesterday and finished up a small patch update with a few tweaks and a few fixes.

Planet Map Hover Info

In this patch update, I’ve updated the look of the planet map hover info panel. By default hovering over objects will now show the name as well as the description of an object. Some objects will show additional information such as resources showing resource amounts and vehicles showing their current action.

What’s Next?

Moving forward I’ll be shifting gears to focus on the next larger content update. This will focus on further improvements and additions to planet side content. I’ll be covering this in more detail in the next developer log. Be sure to keep an eye out as I’ll also be covering some big news regarding the Mercury Fallen roadmap.

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Thanks, everyone for the amazing support. Certainly, let me know what you think of the new content. Check the release notes below for all the details.

Release Notes


  • Updated the look of hover info on planet map. Planet entities now show name and description by default.
  • Vehicles now show current action in hover info
  • Surface resources now show resource quantities in hover info
  • Updated look of surface resource info
  • Updated description of mining platform
  • Uploading a Mod no longer includes a tag for the game version


  • Fixed: Object build category not showing correct items after unlocking new items via research in some instances
  • Fixed: Objects modified or added via a mod not appearing in a category if missing a sub-category
  • Fixed: Models in custom artwork mods not loading correctly if there was a space in the asset path
  • Fixed: Objects showing unreachable hover icon if all colonists are sleeping

Howdy Folks!

Thanks for all the great feedback and support. I hope everyone has had a great week and an even better weekend. I had hoped to release a smaller patch update and a developer log this week, but unfortunately, I’ve not been feeling too well.

I have some sort of cold/flu, that is not COVID, which has resulted in conjunctivitis and sinus pressure that caused fluid in both of my ears. So it hasn’t been a fun week, but I’m doing my best to recover as I’m going to be on vacation next week.

I’ll be in San Diego next week visiting some friends. While I’m away, I’ll still be checking in on the forums, discord and social media.

I’m looking forward to feeling better, some relaxation and completing more work when I return. Thanks again everyone and have a great weekend!

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Howdy Folks!

Patch Update 33.6 has a few fixes and a big change to the object build menu.

Object Build Menu

I say this a lot these days, but this one has been on my to-do list for a long time. I’ve reworked the object build menu items slightly and added sub-categories. This should help to organize the objects better and help you more quickly find what you’re looking for.

The storage category has been removed. Storage items are now in sub-categories that are more relevant to what the storage container is used for.

Survey Time

The latest feedback survey is now available. If you have a moment, certainly let me know what you think. It really helps to know what you like and what you don’t. Thanks for all the great feedback so far!

Feedback Survey

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Release Notes


  • Updated day/time text on the planet map to use improved text rendering like other ui elements
  • Updated the look of items in the build object menu
  • Build object menu broken down into sub-categories
  • Some objects in the build menu are now in a different category
  • Removed storage build category
  • Object build info on planet map no longer shows size info as it’s not relevant
  • Water traps are no longer required to be placed at the edge of water tiles.
  • Colonists will now avoid standing in the same tile as another colonist in some instances


  • Fixed: Incorrect audio for remove button on new game colonist section
  • Fixed: Shortcut for mining/deconstructing toggling visibility of mining/deconstruction filters instead of changing mining/deconstruction mode
  • Fixed: Pressing the shortcut for mining/deconstruct with planet map open makes keyboard movement stop working for planet map.
  • Fixed: Aquarium food level text doesn’t update color when receiving food while info panel is open

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