Patch Update 33.5

Howdy Folks!

The recent summer sale has brought in a whole bunch of new players and I want to relay a huge thanks for all the great feedback I’ve received. It’s awesome to hear what you like and what you don’t so I can continue to make Mercury Fallen the best it can be.

As mentioned in the previous update I’m currently focusing on a series of smaller patch updates to add some “smaller” features, changes and fixes. Patch update 33.5 isn’t quite the laundry list the last patch was, but it has some fun new additions and important fixes. We were some the best.

Planet Map Filters

Squirrelled away in a new tab of the planet map interface lies the map filters. These filters allow you to toggle the visibility of various planet map features such as resources, POIs and buildings. This can be helpful to declutter the map if you’re looking for a specific thing.

Planet Map Eye Dropper

The eye dropper tool now works on the planet map. Shift clicking an existing building will put you into build mode so you can quickly build more.

Schedule Duplication

I’ve added a duplicate button to colonist schedules. This allows you to duplicate any existing schedule instead of only being able to create a new, default, schedule.

There are a couple more changes and some important fixes. Check out the release notes below for the full list. Thanks everyone and certainly let me know what you think of the new changes as well as what you would like to see in Mercury Fallen.

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Release Notes

  • Added planet map filters that are available in the new options tab. Planet map filters allow you to quickly toggle the visibility of different entities.
  • Updated the look of item tooltips
  • Eye dropper (shift+lmb) now works for surface structures
  • Added arrows to new game section buttons
  • Can now duplicate existing colonist schedules by pressing the duplicate button on a schedule
  • Fixed: Construction queue not showing correct order if using the High Priority button for surface structures
  • Fixed: Shift Clicking on the surface map causes object construction info to appear in some instances
  • Fixed: Shift-clicking on the surface map while in vehicle move mode causes the vehicle to teleport to the bottom left corner of the map
  • Fixed: Mining selection audio becoming increasingly louder in some instances
  • Fixed: Background of lower hud bar now blocking mouse clicks

Howdy Folks!

A huge thanks for all the feedback and support. Great to see all of the new and existing players enjoying Mercury Fallen. Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been working on tweaking and fixing a whole bunch of things. There are still more tweaks and fixes in development, but I wanted to get a bunch of them out the door now.

There are more tweaks and fixes coming, but keep an eye out for the next Developer Log where I’ll cover some of the larger changes and additions in development. Thanks everyone and have fun out there!

Check out the release notes below.

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Release Notes


  • Replaced mining selection audio effect
  • Updated or added UI audio effects to provide better consistency
  • Color picker will now close if clicking the color button again or selecting a color
  • Botanists harvesting wild crops will now drop the crop on the ground instead of putting it in their inventory. This allows them to move on to gathering more crops instead of bringing the items back immediately.
  • Solid fuel generator will no longer consume fuel if not connected to a power network
  • Solid fuel generator will no longer consume fuel if there are no active consumers on it’s power network
  • Aquarium now shows the Drop Harvest On Ground toggle when waiting for egg delivery. This matches the behavior seen in algae farm, crop field and aeroponics farm.
  • Added Drop Harvest On Ground toggle to water trap
  • Decreased base efficiency of water trap.
  • Robot equipment items now have a separate item category called robot equipment
  • Robots now have their own selection sound effect
  • Secret audio effects that occur on specific dates

Fixes :: Language Strings

  • Fixed: Missions header language string not working
  • Fixed: Missing language string for Disable All Mods button. Added language string: modmgr.disableallmods.btn
  • Fixed: Missing language string for new save game button in save game list. Added language string: savegame.createnewsave.label
  • Fixed: Missing language string for track/untrack button tooltip. Added language strings:,
  • Fixed: Missing language string for randomize button on new game interface. Added language string: uigen.randomize
  • Fixed: Attributes and quirks headers in new game interface not using existing language string data

Fixes :: Audio

  • Fixed: Toggle buttons playing click effect audio multiple times when clicked or being played when toggle is being initialized
  • Fixed: Incorrect audio effect for key remap buttons
  • Fixed: Incorrect audio effects for load game list items
  • Fixed: Incorrect audio effects for save game list items
  • Fixed: Incorrect audio effect for game menu button click
  • Fixed: Missing UI audio effects for various UI controls

Fixes :: Misc

  • Fixed: Mining selection mode not properly disabled if switching to build mode via the eye dropper function
  • Fixed: Newly spawned robot not auto selected when activating inactive robot
  • Fixed: Water Trap bait bonus applied even when no bait is provided
  • Fixed: Water Trap bait tooltip says bait is required when it is not. Tooltip updated.
  • Fixed: Assigned colonist as trainer for Memory Transfer Station preferring to use other training equipment when they should be training.
  • Fixed: Custom scenario missing iron ingots in default supplies
  • Fixed: Several formatting mistakes in story dialogs
  • Fixed: Last column of color picker cut off by scroll bar
  • Fixed: No Water hover icon appearing over objects that aren’t constructed yet
  • Fixed: Colonist action planning and state data not properly cleaned up. This caused memory/performance issues over longer play times.

Howdy Folks!

Hope everyone applicable had a happy and healthy 4th of July. I moved to a new apartment a couple months ago and now have a great view of the fireworks. One of the many benefits. 🙂

In other news, patch update 33.3 adds a new notification and fixes up some issues. Read the release notes below for all the changes and fixes.

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Release Notes

  • Added notification for when a surface resource has been depleted
  • Removed notification for vehicle mining completion
  • Minor visual change to how patch notes are displayed
  • Fixed: Incorrect button click audio for colonist and schedules tab buttons
  • Fixed: Missing language strings for next/previous buttons in new game window. New Language Strings: newgame.footer.settings.btn, newgame.footer.crew.btn, newgame.footer.scenario.btn
  • Fixed: Missing language strings for Contact & Follow and patch notes button on main menu. New Language Strings: mainmenu.patchnotes.btn,
  • Fixed: Missing language string for global resource header. New Language String: uihudinv.header
  • Fixed: Mission language string for Tracked Missions header. New Language String: uihudtrackedmissions.header.label

Howdy Folks!

Thanks for all the great feedback, support and reports. I’m currently working on various tweaks and fixes and this patch update includes some of them. Be sure to check out the release notes below. and have a great weekend!

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Release Notes

  • Adjusted build cost and decor of large planter
  • Fixed: Game scenario data not loading correctly in some instances
  • Fixed: Opened stasis capsules generating copies of existing colonists on save/reload in some instances
  • Fixed: Colonists not assigned to a schedule when loading a save game in some instances
  • Fixed: Newly created colonists from the clone chamber not appearing on mini-map

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