Update 22 Test Build Now Available

Update 22 is now available on the Test Build branch. There are still more changes in development for this update, but I wanted to get some initial feedback on the content so far.

Click the following link for more details:

About Test Build Branch

The optional Test Build branch is for testing the latest features before they go live to everyone. As it is a testing version there can be more bugs/issues than in the normal version. If using the Test Build branch, please report any issues you encounter or any feedback on new game play mechanics. Your feedback and/or reports will help to ensure the final version is the best it can be.

Howdy Folks!

A huge thank you for playing Mercury Fallen. There some big user interface changes coming that I’m very excited about.

It all started with wanting a better system for handling tabbed windows. It turned into a face list for most of the windows in the game. The info window for objects and colonists is currently separated into two different windows, and I had wanted to unify them for a long time. In order to do so, however, there were two elements that would have to change.

One Info Window To Rule Them All

Colonists generated a texture for their portrait icon, whereas objects and machines used pre-generated sprites. It was fairly straightforward to consolidate those objects, as I just needed to update the portrait generation code to convert a created image into a sprite. This way, the info window didn’t care about the source of its data, as long as it got a sprite to display for its header graphic.

The more complex task was updating the info window to use tabs. The data that represents an object or colonist in the game uses a custom component system. These components can reference a UI section class, which is what binds these components to a visual output in the info window. When the window is created, it looks through all of an object’s components and generates UI sections for the ones that reference a UI section class. While this system worked very well, the problem was that there was no binding or definition for them to be listed under a specific tab within a window. I also had no consistent definition of what a tab was, or how tabs were generated. The colonist window controller manually placed component UI sections under specific tabs that were defined solely within the colonist UI window.

To resolve this issue, I created GDUITab data objects that store info for each icon, tool-tip and, of course, reference id. Components could now reference which tab they should appear in. When the info window is created, it looks through all of the target components and automagically gets or creates a new tab to put the UI content in the right place. This allows me to fully unify the colonist and object windows into the same system, and have a nice generic tab system to be used in other windows as well.

In the process of creating this, the info window design also got a facelift, which I’m applying to other windows in the game. Since objects and colonists now use the same tabbed design, some sections, such as equipment management, will be moved into new tabs.

I now have a generic tabbed window system that can be used in other places. A sample of this was sneakily — or accidentally? — added in the settings window in the last update.

Planet Map Interface

Creating a generic tabbed window/panel system was something I wanted to do so that I could update the planet map interface. Vehicles and expeditions have been put under separate tabs to avoid scrolling past your growing list of vehicles to start and manage expeditions.

I’m working on a new section which will show a list of constructed buildings.

Construction Queue Window

A construction queue window has been a highly requested feature and a lot of work has been put into it so far. The new construction queue window is a visual breakdown of all objects that have been placed for construction.

You will be able to click and drag to reorder the list, quickly move objects to the top or bottom of it, and, with the click of a button, select any object on the list for more details. The construction queue list can also be filtered by category to help find specific types of objects.

Going Forward

Aside from UI changes, I’m working on various improvements to game flow and progression. There are many mechanics that made more sense before the addition of the planet surface and expeditions, and while some of these elements have been tweaked, I’m reviewing everything to try and provide better game pacing and progression. While the focus of the game is exploration and expansion, there is a shifting focus towards additional hazards — for without risk, there is no reward.

My goal is not to turn Mercury Fallen into a challenging survival game. The Mercury Fallen project is primarily about developing a game that I personally enjoy, and I enjoy exploring and creating without feeling like I could lose everything because of a random event, or being suddenly overwhelmed by combative forces. I do occasionally enjoy a bit of chaos, but at a pace I choose, and not a pace that is enforced.

I’ve focused mainly on the safe haven experience of Mercury Fallen to this point, but I do plan to add additional hazards and challenges. It’s important that the player has some agency over when and how they approach these challenges.

I’m working on changes to the underground world generation that will include some resources that can be acquired early on, and re-balancing the materials that can be acquired underground. Hazards are in the works that will make mining a bit more interesting.

I have a lot of things in mind moving forward, and can’t go into a lot of detail about all of them quite yet. But in the meantime, let me know what you think of these new changes and what you are excited to see in Mercury Fallen.

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Howdy Folks!

Work has commenced on the next content update, but in the meantime, some additional issues were brought to my attention. This update includes a few small additions and several bug fixes.

I’m working on various UI improvements as well as changes to game balance and progression which will be included in the next content update. Keep an eye out for more information regarding these changes in the next developer log.

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Release Notes

  • Added Deselect All option buttons for mining and deep mining.
  • Added button click audio to various tab/toggle buttons
  • Added pickup and dropoff sound for storage and item containers
  • Added plant harvested sound
  • Adjusted volume/range of various sounds. Still needs more work.
  • Colonists now default to idle animation instead of showing t-pose when loading saved game.
  • Updated how colonist portrait icons are generated to attempt to resolve issues with them not appearing in some instances
  • Re-worked some user interface code to prepare for new content
  • Fixed: Performance issue when colonists are hauling items to storage when there are many items on the ground
  • Fixed: Equipment items unable to be installed and not appearing in hud inventory after loading a saved game.
  • Fixed: Various callback issues in inventory system
  • Fixed: Highlighted colonist card not being removed properly when closing colonist management screen using tab/escape button.
  • Fixed: Expedition vehicle not being loaded correctly in some instances causing expedition team to become disconnected from expedition.
  • Fixed: Colonists loading incorrect instance IDs causing rosters to not load correctly

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