This update took longer than initially planned, but it’s packed with various new content, tweaks and fixes. I’m super excited to announce that Alpha 0.11 is now available on Steam.
Important Note:
Existing Save Games are not supported. Strongly advised to start a new game in Alpha 0.11.
Robot Construction

Colonists have figured out how to make their very own robots. Robots can be constructed using the new Robot Assembler, after the required research is complete. When constructing a robot you can apply points to increase the robots starting Smarts, Muscles & Athletics. With additional research you can increase the amount of points you can spend each time you construct a robot.
Robot Power Need

Robots will now require recharging, which works in a similar way to colonists requiring sleep. The new recharge pad is where robots will go to recharge their power need.
Deep Driller Bot

The new Deep Driller bot can be constructed at the Robot Assembler and is the only machine capable of mining the remaining ore in the floor. Floor ore tiles can be marked for deep drilling by selecting them and clicking the new Enable Deep Mining button. Ore floor tiles will be replaced with dirt after they are finished being mined.
Story Content
A new opening back story has been added to the game. In additional to this a new stasis capsule has appeared when starting a new game. This is the initial introduction of the planned story content for the Mercury Fallen. There is a lot more to come.
Note-able Changes
- Power/Water No Longer Limited By Distance
- Object Placement Is Now From Object Center vs. Object Corner
- Tiles Marked For Mining Are Saved And Still Selected Upon Reload
- Warning Icons Over Objects That Are Missing Power/Water Or Are Disabled
Release Notes
- Added Robot Assembler for constructing new robots.
- Added: New Assembly Lab Floor
- Added Robot power need
- Added Charge Pad for recharging robots
- Added new Driller Bot which has the one job of mining floor ore tiles.
- Added warning icons over objects that are disabled, missing power/water
- Added 6 new data recovery projects to unlock robot construction, deep driller and attribute points.
- One robot charge pad included in starting facility
- Enable deep mining on a floor ore tile by selecting it and activating deep mining
- Ore tiles in the floor will become dirt after resources are mined by a deep driller bot
- Added: Lock Cursor To Window option which will confine the cursor to the game window when running in windowed mode.
- Added: Game intro story text
- Added: Mysterious opened stasis capsule
- Removed power/water conduit distance limit. Objects can now receive water/power at any distance as long as there is enough being generated.
- Added: Screen border and PAUSED text at top middle when game is paused
- Added: Tooltip info to attributes in colonist info window
- Changed: Engineering floor now called Refinery floor
- Changed: tutorial task font size to reduce screen clutter
- Changed: Mining tutorial task to include info on how to deselect tiles
- Changed: Various changes to tooltip text
- Changed: Object placement/rotation now based on object center and not object corner. Objects in existing save games may be missing or offset from original placed location.
- Changed: Colonists will now drop mined resources as they are mining instead of dropping all resources when mining is complete.
- Changed: Mining action will now be interrupted if colonist has a more pressing need
- Changed:Starting job performance has been decreased. Higher job level should now have more of a noticeable impact on job performance. Job performance is based on time between actions so higher levels should do the job more quickly.
- Updated: Tiles selected for mining should now save and reload.
- Updated: Different colonist types (Human/robots) now have different base movement speeds
- If robot power is less than 15% they will no longer work and seek out an available charge pad.
- If robot power is less than 5% they will receive the low power effect which will reduce movement speed by 25%
- Fixed: Colonist getting stuck collecting items if only applicable location is blocked.
- Fixed: Colonists working at stations even if station doesn’t have power.
- Fixed: Data Recovery unlock tooltip text extending outside of frame
- Fixed: Tutorial text cut off on some resolutions
- Fixed: Colonist using incorrect items to craft with in some instances
- Fixed: Colonist actions getting incorrect setting data in some instances which lead to various misbehavior
- Fixed: Power generator providing power to a machine even if that would bring it over it’s max power output
- Fixed: Walls not updating when removing a door