Alpha 0.14.4 Now Live!

Alpha 0.14.4 is now live on Steam! This update is another small patch/content update while development continues on the planetary exploration/expansion update.


Guide Update

Mercury Fallen :: Help Buttons

New help buttons have been added to various section headers which open the game guide to the relevant guide section. Some of the guide content has been updated and a new guide section on mining has been added.


Updated Water

Mercury Fallen :: Water

Since migrating over to Unity 2017, a few versions back, the look of water wasn’t all the great. The water has been updated and looks more watery now.


Research/Time Of Day Fix

I fixed up a critical issue that caused time of day and research progress to break. If you loaded/started a game after already starting/loading a game the issue would appear. Thankfully this issue has been resolved and research/time of day should work correctly again.


Release Notes

  • Added: Several info window headers now have a “?” button that opens the game guide to the relevant section.
  • Added: Mining section to game guide
  • Updated: Building Objects game guide section
  • Updated: Research Projects game guide section
  • Changed: Water now has a new material shader to look a bit more like water.
  • Changed: Increased chance of emergency rations from food chests
  • Fixed: Colonist attempting to plant crop at a location that can’t be accessed.
  • Fixed: Time of day not updating correctly in some cases if loading/starting a game after a game has been started/loaded
  • Fixed: Research not updating/finishing correctly in some cases if loading/starting a game after a game has been started/loaded


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Mercury Fallen