I’m super excited to announce that the Choices update is now available. A huge thank you to everyone that provided feedback and bug reports on the experimental branch. The Choices update includes a completely revamped new game interface that offers greater control over how you want to play the game.
A Whole New Game
You now have far more options and control when starting a new game. Custom scenarios offer preset configurations, but you can choose custom scenario from the scenario list to have full control over game settings and starting colonists.
There are a whole bunch of new configurable game settings that control everything from plant growth speed to disabling that pesky xeno mold.
In custom scenario mode you also have full control over how many starting colonists you have. Additionally you can edit their job role levels and attributes to get the perfect start you want.
Additional Changes
While the new game interface is the primary focus of this update, there are a few other tweaks and changes that have been made.
The decorative plant pot has had a minor visual change and a new wide variant has been added.
Other changes include an improved look to colonist portrait images, new main menu background, increased lighting when zoomed in and various bug fixes.
Be sure to check out the full list of release notes below.
Steam Summer Sale!
Mercury Fallen is now 25% during the Steam Summer Sale. It’s a great time to pick up a copy if you don’t have one. or go bug your friends to get a copy.
Check out the full list of changes and fixes in the release notes below and be sure to let me know what you think of the Choices update. Have fun out there. 🙂
Added custom scenario mode that allows full edit of inventory, settings and colonists
Can now choose your starting colonists. Randomize button in pre-made scenario and full edit in custom scenario mode.
Starting supplies have changed for better balance
Additions & Changes
Added Wide Plant Pot
Minor change to existing plant pot to increase size and appearance
Minor changes to world generation including faster generation of map data
Items on ground will now show a cannot be reached hover icon if colonists can’t reach the items
Changed the look of the main menu background
Colonist portraits images are now better lit
Minor change to position of female colonist portraits so that male/female portraits align better.
Underground facility now illuminated when camera is fully zoomed in
Updated rooms guide section to provide clarification on room effects
Can now manually drop off resources from mining vehicle when adjacent to the facility or a resource depot
Removed double scroll bar in construction queue window
Fixed: Stasis capsules found about the map not saving existing colonist data so that on loading a save game the stasis capsule may contain a colonist with different stats/job roles.
Fixed: Minimap causing various issues when reloading a save game in some instances.
Fixed: Able to copy craft queue to a machine that doesn’t accept those recipes
Fixed: Position In Build Queue label too close to build item requirements in construction info section
Fixed: Game time still running while in the new game window. This means the game doesn’t start at the beginning of day 1 depending on how long it takes to set up a new game.
Fixed: Construction queue items not always appearing in the correct position when re-ordering the list with mouse drag.