Thank you all for playing Mercury Fallen and for the great feedback. I’ve been listening to that feedback and here are some more tweaks and fixes.
Construction Queue
Update 21 added a change to strictly adhere to the construction queue priority order. While this ensured that materials were used for the intended construction projects it meant that construction was halted until all required items were available. In this update I’ve made a few changes to how colonists deliver materials to construction projects.
Colonists will now bring any available materials to a construction project including partial amounts. They will also deliver available items to lower priority construction projects if the higher priority target already has what it needs of that required item.
Highest priority build target is a bed. Colonists have plenty of structure resin, but no cloth.
Colonists will deliver the required structure resin to the bed.
Colonists will now deliver available structure resin to other build targets that need it, based on the priority order.
When cloth becomes available colonists will deliver it to the bed. Once the bed has all required items it will be constructed.
This is the first step towards a better construction queue system. More player control will be added in a future update.
Check out the release notes below for all the tweaks and fixes added in this update.
Release Notes
Improved vehicle auto exploration action to reduce instances of vehicle becoming stuck
Resource Transport vehicle no longer drops off all items immediately, but now deposits one item at a time until empty the same way it picks up resources
Colonists will deliver any available items to construction projects instead of waiting for all items to be available. This includes partial amounts of required items.
Colonists will deliver items to lower priority construction projects if higher priority construction project has all of that required item.
Improvements to pathfinding performance
Improved look of items in inventory and build interface sections
Paused items in craft queue now more obvious
Fixed: Resource transport vehicles not collecting resources from mining platform in some instances
Fixed: Resource transport vehicle wiggling in place if closest pickup and drop off tiles are the same tile
Fixed: Vehicle Bay not receiving all construction materials in some instances
Fixed: HUD inventory quantities not updating correctly when items are deposited into the receiving container inventory
Fixed: Able to place objects on top of areas marked for deep mining