Howdy Folks!
2021 is nearly here and I have one last update before the year comes to a close. This is a small patch update which includes some tweaks and fixes.
I think I’ve finally nailed down the issue with events only triggering after loading a saved game. You may get events triggering after loading your save file, but they should continue to occur naturally after that.
There has been a long time issue with miners not continuing to mine in a one wide straight line. This was due to them attempting to get another mining target before the path in front of them was flagged as walkable. I’ve added some new logic to help improve mining behavior.
There are a bunch of additional tweaks and fixes. Check the release notes below for the full list of changes. Thanks for all the support and reports.
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Release Notes
- Minor tweaks to some interfaces to make them more compact
- Updated colonist mining action to better handle pathfinding graph updates. This reduces instances of miners wandering around aimlessly after mining a tile.
- Increased maximum space allowed for a room to generate from 200 to 500.
- Increased sizes that define small, medium, large and massive rooms.
- Increased water flow speed. This is a temporary adjustment to reduce issues with machines not getting water fast enough after loading a saved game. Further changes to water management coming in a future update.
- Vehicles will now spawn on an empty tile adjacent to the vehicle bay when embarking.
- Decreased durability drained by researching at the research station. This should reduce how often the research station needs to be repaired.
- Fixed: Relaxed attribute effect not applied after restful sit action in some instances
- Fixed: Attribute effects from equipment items not being applied in some instances
- Fixed: Mining action causing game freeze in some instances
- Fixed: Some events not finishing properly causing other events to not trigger such as crop disease or cave ins.
- Fixed: Various errors generated from mods after they are un-applied from a saved game