Howdy Folks!
A huge thanks for all the feedback and bug reports on the experimental branch. There are still some additions in development for Update 28 :: Stressed Out, but a majority of the content is ready for final testing and tweaking.
Should you check out the Test Build branch, be sure to let me know what you think of the new content.
Here are some of the things coming in Update 28 :: Stressed Out.
Updated Quirk System
The quirk system has been completely overhauled to allow for new types of colonist quirks. All the existing quirks will remain, but many new quirks are added that affect colonists in various ways.
Janitor Job Role
The janitor job role has been added to clean up the mess left when colonists make mistakes as well as some especially stressed out colonists.
The rec room is getting some new objects. More items in development for the Test Build branch, but the first one is the Arcade Cabinet.
Seeds finally have a use in the form of a new Biofuel recipe. The solid fuel generator has been updated to allow for different fuel types. Allowed fuel types can now be toggled in the generator ui.
There are some other great additions such as being able to shift+click a placed object to quickly construct more of that object, xeno mold, ui tweaks and a whole load of fixes.
Update 28 :: Stressed Out Test Build Info
About Test Build Branch
The optional Test Build branch is for testing the latest features before they go live to everyone. As it is a testing version there can be more bugs/issues than in the normal version. If using the Test Build branch, please report any issues you encounter or any feedback on new game play mechanics. Your feedback and/or reports will help to ensure the final version is the best it can be.
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