Developer Log #24 :: Test Builds

Mercury Fallen is now available on Steam and the response has been awesome. A huge thank you to everyone who has played Mercury Fallen and for the great feedback. I am deeply humbled by the amount of positivity the Steam community has shown me. I am very happy to see gamers enjoying Mercury Fallen and there is a lot more to come. I have been actively working on the next update which will include fun new content as well as several fixes to bugs that have been reported.

Test Builds

One of the benefits of Steam is the Beta Opt-In support which allows developers to have separate optional testing/preview branches of the game. These optional game branches are a great way for the community to get involved with testing the latest and greatest content. It also serves to reduce the amount of potential bugs/issues in versions that go public to everyone.

Before major updates of the game come out they will first be available in the optional testing branch on Steam so that users have the opportunity to help test the latest content before it goes live to to the main branch. If you’re interested in testing out the latest content and want to help track down bugs click here for more information.

Alpha version 0.10 is now available in the optional test build branch. For more information on what is in the new version click here.

Thank you again to everyone who has helped support Mercury Fallen so far. This is only the start and I look forward to working together to make Mercury Fallen the best it can be.


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