Patch Update 30.3

Howdy Folks!

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Patch update 30.3 addresses a few more reported issues and adds a few tweaks.

Thanks for all the great feedback and reports. Check out the release notes below for all the changes and fixes.

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Release Notes


  • Holding shift while using keyboard camera rotation will snap the camera to 90 degree increments
  • Colonists will now target the closest crop location to plant first
  • Colonists will no longer perform any work duties during recreation hours. This was changed to resolve some priority issues with none work related actions.


  • Fixed: Vehicle bay not constructing in some instances
  • Fixed: Colonists damaging objects that aren’t constructed yet during high stress reaction
  • Fixed: Colonist stuck in pick up and drop off loop if unable to generate a path to a crop field or aeroponics farm
  • Fixed: Memory transfer station not saving/loading assigned colonist data.
  • Fixed: Colonists continue to use memory transfer station after training schedule period has ended
  • Fixed: Colonists not prioritizing using the memory transfer station over other training activities.
  • Fixed: Colonists not dropping held items before going to a attribute training or memory transfer station


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