Update 23 Test Build Now Live!

Howdy Folks!

I’m happy to announce that Update 23 is now available on the Test Build branch. If you’re interested in helping test the latest and greatest content then check out the information below.

The Test Build branch is a bit more experimental this time around and I’m looking for feedback on the various new mechanics and early game progression. There is still more that is being added/updated before this update 23 is released on the main branch.

View the Steam Forum Discussion for more information:https://steamcommunity.com/app/704510/discussions/3/3345546172885509808/

About Test Build Branch

The optional Test Build branch is for testing the latest features before they go live to everyone. As it is a testing version there can be more bugs/issues than in the normal version. If using the Test Build branch, please report any issues you encounter or any feedback on new game play mechanics. Your feedback and/or reports will help to ensure the final version is the best it can be.


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Mercury Fallen