Developer Log #12 :: Just Trying To GOAP

The new colonist behavior system has been a lot more work then I originally thought it would be. I’m not entirely sure why I thought I could rebuild the entire behavior system in a short amount of time, but I tend to be a bit too critical of my own abilities. The new system is coming along […]

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Developer Log #11 :: Goal Oriented Action Planning

After receiving quite a bit of great feedback from the alpha demo I’ve been focusing on resolving issues with the colonist behavior system. This is a daunting task as I believe it will require a re-write of the current system, but thankfully most of the core systems in the game are fairly modular so it should […]

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Alpha Demo 1.1 Update

I’m very excited to announce a new version of the Mercury Fallen Alpha Demo. This update should hopefully resolve a lot of the game breaking bugs as well as add several new features/improvements to the game. Please contact me and let me know if you find any bugs, have some suggestions or just want to say hi. Download […]

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Mercury Fallen :: Alpha Demo

A lot of work has been poured in to Mercury Fallen and there is a lot more to come, but I’m certainly at a stage where I need feedback on the game to see what people think. I released an alpha demo on and the feedback so far has been overwhelming. Alpha Demo Play The Alpha […]

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Developer Log #10 :: Fog Of War

A lot of the core systems for Mercury Fallen are in place and a lot of my work has been focused on getting in the game play content. This, as always, is proving more of a challenge than I originally thought, but proper planning goes a long way. There has been one lingering system that I […]

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Developer Log #9 :: Research

Now that I have a more unified user interface setup I can start integrating more of the core features of the game. A big part of a colony survival, of course, is research projects which unlock new place-able objects, recipes and more. Research is handled by your colonists at the research station after choosing what research […]

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Developer Log #8 :: Video Preview

Lots of work has been going on with Mercury Fallen and I did a new video to cover some of the main and new features that are in development.

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Developer Log #7 :: Modular UI

Up until now the UI programming for Mercury Fallen was relatively per interface/object. I have some top level classes that I made to inherit from that define a window panel consistently, but the UI for the different interactive objects in the game were all individually crafted which meant a lot of work if I’m creating a new object with a […]

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Developer Log #6 :: First Dev Preview

Just finished up the first developer preview for Mercury Fallen which shows the game in action for the first time. The video doesn’t cover everything in there at the moment, but gives a good overview of the core mechanics of the game. I welcome any and all feedback. 🙂

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Developer Log #5 :: Attributes

Building a flexible attribute system can be a challenging task, but the first step is always understanding what it is that you want the system to accomplish. I had already cobbled together a system for health, hunger, energy and mood, but it lacked ability for colonist attribute effects. I wanted to be able to tack […]

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