Developer Log #17 :: Performance

There have been a lot of new people playing Mercury Fallen over the last week which has lead to some great feedback. The core concern most users have, at the moment, is performance related issues and crashing.

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Alpha 0.03 :: Dining In Style

Mercury Fallen Alpha 0.03 Featured

Alpha 0.03 is now available on Itch.IO. This new update addresses several issues as well as adds some new features such as functional eating tables and customized light colors.

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Mercury Fallen Gets Played

Mercury Fallen has recently had some great Let’s Play videos posted on YouTube showing off the game play. This has lead to an influx of attention and feedback which helps to make Mercury Fallen even better. Keep all that feedback coming and a big thank you to all who have supported Mercury Fallen so far. […]

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Alpha 0.02 Released

Mercury Fallen Alpha 0.02

Alpha 0.02 is now available on Itch.IO and with it comes a lot of great new features and improvements. I got slowed down by a few critical things that were important to get in there such as the new game settings window. I’m trying to ensure future updates are a bit quicker. If you don’t yet have […]

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Developer Log #16 :: Robots & Job Roles

Mercury Fallen - Custom Colonist Colors

Mercury Fallen development never stops and I’ve been working on adding robot workers and other new features. Robot worker have always been part of the original plan for Mercury Fallen and I’m excited to finally start adding them in.   Robot Workers Robot workers are cute and cuddly mechanized workers that will do your bidding while your […]

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Mercury Fallen Now In Alpha

Mercury Fallen Alpha 0.01

  I’ve been developing Mercury Fallen for a little over a year now and while there is a lot more development to come I’m excited to announce that Mercury Fallen has reached Alpha! For those wanting to get in early and join the development of the game it is now available for purchase on Itch.IO.

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Developer Log #15 :: Alpha Progress

We’re getting closer and closer to the alpha release of the game, but it’s taking a little longer than expected. I’m working to ensure there are solid core features of the game in place before releasing the alpha. There has been a lot of testing and I’m working on some final features and bug fixes.   Saving […]

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Developer Log #14 :: What’s Next?

  With the latest release of Mercury Fallen I believe I’ve stabilized many of the core issues players had with the game. Creating a completely new colonist behavior system may have been overkill, but I wanted to ensure that the system would expand well as I continue to add new content and colonist interactions. I’ve […]

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Alpha Demo 1.2 Update

It took longer than expected, but I’m happy to say that the 1.2 update is now available on Itch.IO! The biggest amount of time was spent on a complete rebuild of the colonist behavior system to fix up existing issues and ensure expand-ability as I continue to add new content and colonist actions. There are […]

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Developer Log #13 :: Dev Preview #3

A new update is on the horizon and here is quick overview of some of the new features.  

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